Things To Do Guide

Tee for Two!

Street: 184 Adolphus St.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 18555298693
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
If you’ve been trying to convince your sweetie to join you on the links without much success, this will change her mind. At the reimagined Algonquin Resort, golf becomes a romantic experience. Relax in your room before heading to the course to meet pro, Jason Porter, for a 30-minute lesson. Enjoy a golf inspired cocktail on the patio overlooking the picturesque Passamaquoddy Bay. Stop to enjoy the views as you play along the back nine, especially on the Signature 12th hole. We’ve lined up the beverage cart to meet you there with champagne and strawberries. Finish off your game with his and hers Algonquin golf hats, and we’re pretty certain this won’t be your last twosome!
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