Things To Do Guide

Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

Street: 1675 Lower Water St
City / Town / Village: Halifax
Province: NS
Phone Number: 19024247491
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Located in the heart of Halifax’s historic waterfront, there’s no better place to get immersed in Nova Scotia’s rich maritime heritage than the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

We collect and interpret various elements of Nova Scotia’s marine history – from small craft boatbuilding to World War convoys; the Days of Sail to the Age of Steam; the Titanic to the Halifax Explosion. Step aboard the CSS Acadia, Canada’s longest-serving hydrographic vessel who’s over 100 years old and lives on the museum’s wharf.

Visit Canada’s largest and oldest maritime museum and discover the stories, people and events that have shaped this province and its relationship with land and sea.
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