Things To Do Guide

High-Speed Whale Watching Excursion

Street: 4 King St.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 18665298116
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
Hit the seas on a high-speed adventure. Set out in search of whales and wildlife on a 33-ft. Zodiac Hurricane complete with comfortable Seaspension® seats and onboard bathroom. The Bay of Fundy is a playground for some of the world’s largest residents and you’ve got a front-row seat to the show. Keep your eyes peeled for the giants of the sea – you could spot minkes, humpbacks, the rare Right whale and more – plus seals, seabirds, eagles, porpoises and other sea-loving wildlife. The open-air vessel will have you feeling the excitement of the ride from the first moment you step foot in the boat, spotting lighthouses, scenic islands and coastal culture along the way. Experience the exhilaration of rushing tides and whale-watching.
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