Things To Do Guide

Guided Wetlands Discovery

Street: 34 Mallard Dr.
Province: NB
Phone Number: 18002492020
Open Season: {"string":null,"timezone":{"offset":-18000,"timezone":"America\/Chicago"},"timestamp":null}
You will be instantly inspired with beautiful views and vibrant wildlife as you follow the paths and boardwalks that wind through this scenic wetland. This unique park, with its long-ago Acadian history and complex ecosystem, is a special place in the world. You will admire the plant life, birds and other wetland creatures that inhabit the area as your guide teaches you how to identify waterfowl and wetland plants. As you refresh in the stillness, you still have time to visit the nearby downtown and gallery of watercolourist Robert Lyon. His passion for the regional flora and fauna is inspiring, and as you enjoy the delicious snack at the end of the tour, you will appreciate the peace and quiet of nature.
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