Economy Falls Trail

Nova Scotia

Economy Falls Trail

Economy Falls trail is a favourite of locals and visitors alike. Economy Falls was renowned for its beauty and geology since the days of Darwin. Some of the oldest rocks in Nova Scotia can be found here. In the early 1900's an apron was built to allow logs to cross the falls on their way down the river to a waiting scow at the mouth of the Economy River. In 1997 an historic phenomenon occured when one side of the rock face collapsed...practically unhead of in lowlands such as this. 2,000 tonnes of rock fell into the huge pool in front of the falls and piled up. Since that date, floods, yearly spring freshnets and rise in the river's water level due to long rainy periods, have rearranged and continue to sculpt a new course for the waterfall and it's gathering pond below.

Trailhead: At 7km on the River Philip Road, take a left turn and travel .5km to parking lot. Follow the signs along a woods road until you reach the stairs (0.75km) and descent into the gorge on 186 steps to the bottom. A challenging return.

Significant Features: Spring and rare plants consist of red, painted and nodding trilliums; trout lilies; Clintonia; Avens; lady's slippers and grape fern, to name a few. Other features are interesting geology; fishing; swimming; beach, maple, ash, birch, spruce, fir, hemlock, and larch trees. White tailed deer, bald eagles, hawks, owls, black bears, coyotes and rarely moose. Visitors climb (at their own risk) the huge boulders scattered by the collapse and heavy waterflow.

Length: 2km return
Hiking Time: 2 hours

The Economy River drains a significant area of the Cobequid Hills, leaving the mountain in a steep-walled gorge and cascading down the cobequid escarpment at Economy Falls. The falls are found on the southern edge of the Cobequid Hills, a plateau containing some of the most ancient rocks in Nova Scotia.

Recommended season from June 1st to October (Thanksgiving weekend)

For maps and more information, visit Cobequid Interpretive Centre and WWII Tower, 3246 Hwy. 2, Central Economy...just beyond the point where River Philip Road leaves Highway 2.

Opening Hours:

Services and Facilities:

River Philip Rd
NS -

Contact Data:

Phone Number: 19026472600

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Located in: Trails